To improve mechanical system design, parametric Accelerated Life Testing (ALT) is offered as a systematic reliability method for identifying design flaws and correcting them in the creation of a reliable quantitative (RQ) specification. It necessitates: (1) a parametric ALT scheme based on the system BX lifetime, (2) a load inspection, (3) parametric ALTs with corresponding design modifications, and (4) a determination of whether the altered product design(s) achieve the desired BX lifetime. A general life-stress model is presented, as well as a sample size equation. A test case involving market data and parametric ALT was the redesign of a hinge kit system (HKS) in a refrigerator. Parametric ALTs were carried out using a force and moment balance analysis. The mechanical impact loadings of the HKS were evaluated for a refrigerator door. The HKS failed in the first ALT due to a crack/fracture in the kit housing, and when the HKS was disassembled, oil poured from the damper. The failure mechanisms and procedures developed in the first ALT were similar to those discovered in market-failed samples. Stress raisers, such as corner roundings and the housing rib in HKS, the oil damper seal, and the cover housing material were among the HKS design features that were missing. In the second ALT, the cover housing fractured. The HKS cover housing's plastic material was a design defect. As part of a corrective action plan, the cover housing was upgraded from plastic to aluminium. After the second ALT, the modified HKS was guaranteed to have a B1 life of 10 years, with a yearly failure rate of 0.1 percent.
Author(S) Details
Seong-Woo Woo
Manufacturing Technology, Mechanical Technology Faculty, Ethiopian Technical University, Addis Ababa P.O.Box 190310, Ethiopia.
Dennis L. O’Neal
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dean of Engineering and Computer Science, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798-7356, USA.
Yimer Mohammed Hassen
Manufacturing Technology, Mechanical Technology Faculty, Ethiopian Technical University, Addis Ababa P.O.Box 190310, Ethiopia.
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