Livers are famous for its extreme nutritional value. In Sudan, they are eroded raw as a cuisine habit. Surveys concerning liver abscesses and necrosis in ovine and cow livers were carried out to indicate their magnitude and business-related impact. The effect of the season on those affections was studied. Prospective study at various periods during 1994 and 1995 and retrospective studies for all seven years from 1996 to 2002 were completed activity to study liver condemnation of killed cattle and person in agreement in Omdurman Central Abattoir and Elsabalouga Abattoir respectively. Liver condemnations due to various affections during the ending 1994-1995 were found expected 26.2% in sheep and 5.4% in cattle; Out of those condemnations, 57.6 % and 22% individually were found expected due to abscesses and loss. While during the ending 1996-2002, out of the 15.45 condemned ovine dweller, 77.43% were condemned on account of abscesses and necrosis and Out of the 10.69% of the member of genus bos condemned livers, 11.96% were convicted due to abscesses and fatality. The number of total condemned ovine and member of genus bos livers and the conviction for necrosis and abscesses were strongly to quite correlated. It was found that the ovine and bovine liver condemnations were not considerably impacted by the seasons.
Author(s) Details:
E. Hind Osman,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Sudan University
of Science and Technology, Sudan.
of Animal Production,Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan.
Mohamed T. Ebrahim,
Faculty of Animal Production,Sudan University of Science and Technology,
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