Thursday 15 July 2021

Comparison between a Single Glucose Challenge Test Procedure and Conventional 2 Hour Oral Glucose Tolerance Test for Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus | Chapter 5 | Highlights on Medicine and Medical Science Vol. 7

 Background: GDM is very common in India, with an estimated frequency of 8-17 percent. As a result, glucose intolerance screening is required to protect both the mother and the kid from negative long-term repercussions. If a significant section of the population develops abnormal glucose tolerance, this is cause for concern. As a result, women with GDM are a good candidate for diabetes prevention.

The purpose of the study was to see how well a single glucose challenge test compared to a typical two-hour oral glucose tolerance test for detecting GDM.

Methods and Materials: This was a one-year prospective cross-sectional study conducted at the Govt. Medical College, Jammu's Obstetric & Gynecology department from November 2010 to October 2011.

Out of a total of 460 pregnant women, 334 volunteered to participate in the study. Out of a total of 334 pregnant women, 200 completed the survey. Subjects between 16 and 32 weeks of pregnancy were tested for GDM using a Single Glucose Challenge Test followed by a traditional 2hr Oral Glucose Tolerance Test three days later.

Conclusion: The current study shows that administering 75 gm GCT to pregnant women is a simple, cost-effective, and time-saving medication. As a result, in a country with limited resources but a need for universal screening, this one-step methodology doubles as a screening and diagnostic tool.

Author (S) Details

Vinod Kumar
GMC Doda, JK, India.

Kavita Sharma
JK Health Services, JK, India.

Ritu Bhagat
Demonstrator Pathology GMC Jammu, JK, India.

Ahmar Javid
GMC Doda, JK, India.

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