Friday, 30 July 2021

The Use of Stem and Root Barks Extracts from Synadenium glaucescens (Euphorbiaeceae) as Acid Base Indicators: Experimental Investigation | Chapter 16 | Technological Innovation in Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 8

 The use of industrially produced indicators, which are linked to environmental contamination, is currently required for the conduct of acid-base chemical interactions. This situation necessitates the search for other acid-base markers in natural sources. The goal of this study was to look at Synadenium glaucescens extracts' acid-base indicating capabilities. To look into S. Extracts from the leaves, stems, and root barks were evaluated for colour change, reversibility, pH range, and effectiveness during titration using strong and weak acids and bases to determine glaucescens' indicating capacity. Only the indicators derived from stem and root bark extracts were found to have indicating capacity, as they were able to change colour in response to pH changes. Both indicators had a pH range of 2.9 to 12.7, showing that they were more universal indicators. Both signs could be clearly inverted in acidity and alkalinity situations. The colour of the solution changed dramatically as the titration progressed. With their colour change from brick red to colourless and orange to colourless, the mean titre of the two indicators ranged from 24.3 0.31 to 25.4 0.75 and 18.9 0.17 to 24.1 0.05, respectively. The end points achieved by stem and root bark indicators correspond to the end points obtained by standard indicators such as phenolphthalein and methyl orange. As a result, acid-base indicators can be made from stem and root bark extracts. More research could be done to develop paper indicators and isolate the pure chemical that causes S. Signaling ability of Glaucescens

Author (s) Details

James G. Mayeka
Department of Education, Solomon Mahlangu College of Science and Education, Sokoine University of Agriculture, P. O. Box 3038, Morogoro, Tanzania.

Faith P. Mabiki
Department of Chemistry and Physics, Solomon Mahlangu College of Science and Education, Sokoine University of Agriculture P. O. Box 3038, Morogoro, Tanzania.

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