Tuesday 27 July 2021

Research on Dendritic Cell Based Vaccine for Human Tuberculosis | Chapter 3 | Highlights on Medicine and Medical Science Vol. 8

 The modern vaccine concept claims that it can be used for both preventive and therapeutic objectives. Furthermore, vaccines are currently used to prevent both infectious and non-infectious disorders. There are several types of vaccines that are commonly used in medicine. Cell-based vaccinations are one of them. Vaccinations based on DCs function as both vaccines and vaccine immunoadjuvant biologics. Currently, there are experimental DC-based vaccines for viral, bacterial, fungal, and protozoal infections. The current chapter was devoted to a DC-based human TB vaccination.

Author (s) Details

Dr. Ibrahim M. S. A. W. Shnawa
Hilla University College, Raringia, Babylon, Iraq and Department of Biotechnology, College of Biotechnology University of Qasim, Qasim, Babylon, Iraq.

View Book :- https://stm.bookpi.org/HMMS-V8/article/view/2163

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