Saturday 17 July 2021

The Place of Experiential Value in the Virtual Space | Chapter 7 | Modern Perspectives in Economics, Business and Management Vol. 1

 The goal of this study is to explore how people's attitudes toward online purchase in developing countries are influenced by eight characteristics of experiential value and perceived risk. A Tunisian online consumer sample yielded an average of 204 valid questions. Exploratory factor analysis was performed on each scale's items. Principal component analysis using varimax rotation in SPSS was performed on all of the variables' dimensions. The different dimensions of scales were examined, and the items with poor loadings (less than 0.5) contributed more than 0.3 to numerous variables. They were excluded because they had no contribution to one of the primary and identifiable components that was more than or equal to 0.5. The site's experience value is a good indicator of how customers will feel about making a purchase there. Attitude explains 31.9 percent of the intention to buy from the site. The latter, on the other hand, accounts for only 3.3 percent of all online shopping activity. The attitude toward internet buying is not substantially predicted by perceived risk (p=.158). The findings of this study have implications for consumer educators. They could, in fact, use this information to find out how to make the e-commerce decision-making process easier for customers. When focusing on the attitude about shopping from the site, consumer education programmes should consider the primary facilitator elements and their antecedents. This is the first study to examine the effects of eight experiential values on attitudes toward internet shopping, and it adds to the body of knowledge in this area. The lack of significance of perceived risk on attitude, and therefore its failure as a factor inhibiting online shopping in the Tunisian sample, leads us to explore for additional variables that may explain the non-adoption of online shopping. The bulk of studies in the online context only took into account the self-oriented value component (aesthetics, playfulness, efficiency, and excellence).

Author (S) Details

Ines Soltani
Higher Institute of Management of Sousse, Tunisia.

Jamel-Eddine Gharbi
Laboratory of the Exploitation of National and Cultural Heritage of Jendouba, Tunisia.

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