Wednesday 14 July 2021

The Formation of a Homogeneous Fine-Grained Structure of the Casting of a Metal Part by the Method of Layer-by-Layer Cooling | Chapter 4 | Current Approaches in Science and Technology Research Vol. 9

 The development of vacuum casting technique with directional crystallisation of the casting is the subject of this article. Layer-by-layer cooling of a casting is examined, which assures that a casting with a consistent fine-grained metal structure is formed. This effect is achieved by the cooling liquid slowly filling the cooled mould cavity due to a difference in the liquid flow rate at the inlet and outlet. A thin layer of the casting cools the metal at each point in time, ensuring consistency and fine-grained structure of the casting material, as well as the lack of shrinkage and internal tensions.

Author (S) Details

D. N. Okhlupin
TechnoTerm-Saratov LLC, Russia.

A. V. Korolev
The Yuri Gagarin State Technical, University of Saratov, Russia.

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