Friday 16 July 2021

Foresight as a Tool for the Planning and Implementation of Future Scenarios Based on the Involvement of the Social Capital | Chapter 5 | Modern Perspectives in Economics, Business and Management Vol. 1

 The article covers numerous aspects of incorporating foresight into the science, technology, and innovation (STI) policy planning process, as well as a set of recommendations for dealing with uncertainties and ensuring policy alignment with society's long-term needs. The purpose of this research is to look into the role of technological foresight in decision-making and make recommendations on how to successfully incorporate national foresight into the STI policy planning process. Innovation has emerged as a major driver of global economic growth, and it continues to be at the forefront of technical advancements. Developed countries are increasingly concentrating their resources on research and development (R&D) in areas that will shape future technical and societal trends. Foresight brings together major change agents and multiple sources of knowledge to identify key priority areas. Foresight does not attempt to provide an exact forecast of the future, but rather to allow for the creation of different scenarios of possible futures, as well as the development of policies and strategies to reach "the desired scenario."

According to the study, foresight serves as a foundation for STI policy planning by identifying critical areas for long-term investments and reviewing long-term science, technology, economy, and society development perspectives.

Author (S) Details

Yelena V. Shevchenko
Department of Center for Technology and Innovation Development, National Agency for Innovation Development “QazInnovations”, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Vitaly M. Pomogaev
Omsk State Agriculture University, Omsk, Russia.

Victor F. Stukach
Department of Management and Marketing of the State Educational Establishment, Omsk State Agriculture University, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, Omsk, Russia.

Danil S. Nikulin
Bauman Moscow Sate Technical University, Moscow, Russia.

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