Sunday 11 July 2021

Social Capital and Employee Behavior in an Organization: Resource for Reduction of Unproductive Waste in Agrarian Economy | Chapter 6 | Cutting-edge Research in Agricultural Sciences Vol. 11

 The purpose of this study is to look into the parameters of existing organizational culture in the agrarian sector as a resource for forming social capital and its impact on transactional costs formation. Method: In order to achieve the desired result, analytical methods such as sociological and expert interviews, content and problem-oriented analysis were used. G. Hofstede's parametrical models adapted to agriculture were used to investigate behavioral characteristics. The methods we used were designed to accomplish the following goals: to reveal the essence of the agrarian sector's transactional costs while taking into account field-specific features, to identify the specifics of behavioral settings and values, the specifics of cost patterns within the regional institutional interaction framework, and to analyze cultural codes and the agrarian sector's patters. Findings: On the materials of the regional economy's agrarian sector, the parameters of existing organizational culture were studied; transaction cost specifics shaped by cultural component were identified; and research on cultural codes was conducted. The agricultural sector exhibited the following characteristics: an abnormally long production cycle, unequal income distribution throughout the year, and reliance on natural and climatic conditions. The characteristics discussed above demonstrate the significance of state support and a well-developed communication system. The cultural component cluster represents a cultural code that reflects a high level of role differentiation between men and women. women; prevalent collective consciousness; a proclivity to avoid situations of uncertainty and clearly defined courses of action and regulations; a low level of self-control and a low level of need to satisfy basic needs Data searching, processing, and storage costs, negotiating and contracting costs, coordination costs, politicization costs, collective decision making costs, and lost profits costs are some of the specific transactional costs shaped by cultural determinants. The paper aimed to assist in the resolution of issues related to overcoming informal institutional limitations; it could also be used for the development and accumulation of social capital, as well as the implementation of best informal practices on The overall functioning quality of the economy's transactional sector is improving.

Author (s) Details

Victor F. Stukach
Department of Marketing and Management, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Omsk State Agriculture University, Omsk, Russia.

Nadezhda A. Anikina
Economic Development, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Omsk State Agriculture University Omsk, Russia.

Vitaliy M. Pomogaev
Department of Economy and Finance, OAO OAK-Transportnie Samolety (JSC, United Aircraft Company – Transport airplanes)Omsk, Russia.

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