Thursday 15 July 2021

Recent Study of Optical Activity and Faraday Rotation around the Edge Absorption of the Crystals Bi12SiO20 and Bi12SiO20:M (M = Co, Fe) | Chapter 1 | Advanced Aspects of Engineering Research Vol. 16

 The optical active crystals Bi 12 SiO 20 and the doped optical active crystals Bi 12 SiO 20:M (M=Co,Fe) have reverse sign spectra of the Verdet constant V() in the spectral region of excitons. In comparison to undoped crystals, the spectral area in which the sign of the doped crystals is changed is moved, and the energy of the photons at which an inversion of the si X of the V() of doped crystals is detected is smaller than that of undoped crystals. In the spectral area of the excitons, the reverse si X spectra of the doped crystals Bi 12 SiO 20 is clarified. The excitons are formed by an exchange interaction between the localised paramagnetic ions Co(2+) (or Fe) and the charge carriers. This effect in undoped crystals is described by the major internal defect (Bi Si(3+) +h+) in Bi 12 SiO 20. According to a simplified model, modifying the si X of V() in this defect by one exchange contact of the ligand ion O- with a linked exciton (e-+h+).

Author (S) Details

Todor Dimov
Shumen University, 115 Universitetska Str., BG-9700 Shumen, Bulgaria.

Ilia Iliev
Shumen University, 115 Universitetska Str., BG-9700 Shumen, Bulgaria.

Antonina Hristova
N.Y.Vaptsarov Naval Academy, 73 V. Drumev Str., BG-9026 Varna, Bulgaria.

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