Sunday 11 July 2021

Infestation Study of Ectoparasitic Fauna on Some Domestic Animals in Ayedire Local Government Area of Osun State, Nigeria: An Advance Study | Chapter 1 | Cutting-edge Research in Agricultural Sciences Vol. 11

 Ectoparasite zoological and epidemiological studies on domestic animals were conducted in an open laboratory survey. A total of 100 sheep, 100 dogs, 100 goats, and 100 cattle were examined for infestation. Within the study area, a structured questionnaire was administered in five (5) sampled communities. The villages were chosen for their proximity to the forest zone. The questionnaire was created to gather data on the infestation rate of Ectoparasite fauna on domestic animals in the Local Government Area. A total of one hundred respondents were chosen at random and interviewed. The study discovered that the Ectoparasite infested domestic animals in the communities. Tick infestation peaked in the month of November 2009. According to the findings, 30%, 29%, 21%, and 20% of goats, dogs, sheep, and cattle were infested, respectively. In cattle, there was a low infestation. The Ectoparasite examination focused primarily on members of the orders Anoplura, Siphonaptera, and Ixodiodea. Two Amblyomma species, Rhipicephalus and Boophilus, were discovered, but only one Hyalomma Haemaphysalis species, Ctenocephalisdes, was observed.

Author (s) Details

Dr. M. K. A. Wahab

Department of Biological Sciences, Fountain University, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria.

N. N. James-Rugu
Department of Zoology, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria.

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