Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Linear Discriminant Analysis a Useful Tool for Characterization of Pomegranate Growers | Chapter 11 | Current Strategies in Economics and Management Vol.6


An attempt has been made to focus and identify the discrete characteristics of the two contrast groups
determining pomegranate yield. It examines the difference between the two groups of Pomegranate
growers on the basis of some socio-economic characteristics, input application factors, managerial
factors and labour characteristics. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) has been used to discriminate
the Pomegranate cultivators belonging to two groups (high yielding and low yielding groups) based on
multiple characters simultaneously with an objective that which factors are prospective with respect to
yield attributing characters. Out of 48 different factors it is found that 22 factors have significant role in
Pomegranate production. Observed significant correlation between adoption index and realization
index in case of high and low yielding groups it also indicates that high yielding farmers who belongs
to lower size group are good adopters of technology. Pomegranate is a capital intensive orchard crop,
the level of adoption depends not only on quantum of inputs but also on the appropriate know-how
practices at the farm level. This study would be helpful to the pomegranate growers for making
decisions related to pomegranate production.

Author (s) Details

Dr. G. D. Rede
Department of Agricultural Economics at CSMSS, College of Agriculture, Kanchanwadi, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.

Kalyan Bhattacharyya
Department of Agricultural Economics, BCKV, Mohanpur, (W.B), India.

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