Sunday, 27 September 2020

Metabolic Microenvironment: Gastric Cancer | Chapter 11 | Current Topics in Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 6


Malignancy at the molecular and cellular microenvironment levels can be defined as a state established in the setting of particular tumour-host relationships. R.E, R.E. The definition of "tumour-host" interaction was clearly illustrated by Kavetsky and his collaborators. A tumour is a complex biological system that is closely linked to  Linked to the body, where it is initiated and created. In the environment, tumour cells are various factors that form a tumour microenvironment that plays an important role in the progression of the disease. Two forms of tumour microenvironment are available: the metabolic microenvironment mediated by variables  Microphysiology of the tumour (blood flow, vascular permeability, oxygenation, extracellular pressure, interstitial fluid pressure, etc.) and cellular-molecular microenvironment, including interactions between tumour and non-tumor cells and stromal compartment influences. Tumour Causes The interaction between tumour cells and surrounding non-tumor cells and molecular components can be changed by microphysiology, and they also form the tumour profile that influences the host tumour pressure. The analysis presents data on the function of the metabolic microenvironment of tumour cells from the tumour-host interaction point in order to use these parameters to assess the diagnostic and prognostic methods for the outcome of disease in patients with gastric cancer. Hypoxia has been given special attention as a key factor in the metabolic microenvironment, which is optimistic.  It influences the development of the tumour, promotes its aggressiveness, metastasis and resistance to therapy, and is considered an unfavourable prognostic factor. The clinical significance of tumour classification based on the degree of tumour oxygenation has been shown to be possible, which can be helpful for selecting patients for individualised treatment that can offer hope for improvement.
With clinical effectiveness.

Author (s) Details

Dr. L. Bubnovskaya
R. E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Dr. D. Osinsky
City Clinical Oncological Center, Kyiv, Ukraine.

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