Monday, 28 September 2020

Economical Assesment and Analysis of Post Harvest Losses of Kagzi Lime in Akola District: At Farm Level | Chapter 11 | Cutting-edge Research in Agricultural Sciences Vol. 3

Kagzi lime (Citrus aurantifolia) is one of India's most important crops for horticulture. As the demand for its consumption is very strong due to nutritional and medicinal values, it is the most valuable fruit crop as the fruits are a rich source of vitamin C and acetic acid. The fruits are commonly used in the everyday life of Indians for squashes, pickles, syrups and cordials, citric acid processing and table purposes. In the case of kagzi lime, Mrig bahar (June-July bloom), Hasta bahar (September-October bloom), and Ambia bahar (January-February bloom) are the three blooming seasons. From which Hasta bahar fruits fetch more prices. 60 farmers were selected from three groups of small , medium and large farmers using a multi-stage sampling technique. In this analysis, calculated costs and returns found that the total cost per hectare for the cultivation of kagzi lime was on average overall.
It was estimated that 110478.25 was an orchard. It was noted that the average degree of gain cost ratio was estimated at 2.14. The physical and economic losses at the farm level after harvesting found that the physical loss of 1.93 per cent varies from farm to farm. The study determined that on large group farms, followed by medium and then followed by small groups per hectare under kagzi lime crops, the cost and return of the total cost of cultivation was highest. It can be concluded that the profitability of kagzi lime, i.e. value cost ratio 2.14, is more profitable. In physical and economic losses, it can be inferred that the production will be greater than the orchard size and the proportion of losses will be lower.

Author (s) Details

Tukaram B. Munde
Department of Agril. Economics and Statistics, Dr. PDKV, Akola, India.

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