Sunday, 27 September 2020

An Overview on the Fundamental Role of Bacteria and Yeasts in AIDS Progression| Chapter 2 | urrent Topics in Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 6

 Generally, the theory that HIV itself is the etiological agent of AIDS is acknowledged. According to this argument, sometime between 35 and 50 years ago, viruses were transmitted to humans from monkeys in Africa through random contacts. This argument has not, however, been adequately epidemiologically verified. S. Scott's  Ah, and Ch. Duncan suggested a hypothesis that 'Black Death' may be caused by haemorrhagic viruses, based on the spread and incubation time of the plague epidemic. On the basis of detailed historical knowledge,  We have concluded that, rather than Yersenia pestis, another agent was involved in the outbreak, andAuthor (s) Details Therefore, it was HIV, according to our findings and conclusions. Our considerations were mainly focused on more than 2000 years of CCR5 delta 32 mutation that protects against HIV infection in Caucasian populations. The "Black Dead" epidemic was devastating through the combination of these agents and contributed to the  In the Caucasian population, elimination of HIV carriers and an rise in the number of CCR5 delta 32 mutations to 10 percent and up to 15-20 percent. This epidemic and subsequent "sanitation operation" did not take place in Sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore, much of the degree of genetic knowledge about HIV is  Higher than in other regions of the globe.

Author (s) Details

Vladimir Zajac
Cancer Research Institute, BMC, SAS, Bratislava, Dubravska Cesta 9, 84505, Slovakia.

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