Two cases of percutaneous transdiscal
splanchnic nerve block for cancer pain treatment presented.
Case1.50 years old man with pancreatic
head and trunk cancer T4N1M0. Patients condition:
intractable pain in upper abdomen during
last two weeks, dysphagia, weight loss. Cholecysto-entero,
gastro-entero and entero-entero
anastomoses performed under epidural+general anesthesia. During
7 postoperative days pain relieved by
continuous epidural anesthesia (0.2% ropivacain 5 ml/hour). On
postoperative day 8 epidural catheter
removed due to dislodgement. Morphine sulphate 10 mg iv
injections with 4 hour intervals and
cox-2 pathway inhibitors was not sufficient for pain relief (pain
score – 6-8 VAS). Splanchnic neurolysis
performed on postoperative day 14. Patient laid in prone
position on the computed tomography table.
After marking of injection sites, definition of needles
traces and deep local infiltration with
1% lidocain, two 22 gauge 20 cm Chiba needles had been
inserted transdiscally on the level of
T12/L1. Pain relieved after injection of 4 ml 2% lidocaine on each
side10 ml 10% aqueous phenol had been
injected on each side for neurolytic block 0.1 g cefazolin
injected intradiscally Patient had
complete pain relief until day 5, when he felt severe continuous pain
on his upper right abdomen After two
weeks of follow-up incomplete right splanchnic block diagnosed
and to perform of repeated right side
splanchnic neurolysis had been decided. On day 14 after 1-st
neurolysis, a 3½ inch 25 gauge Quincke
needle had been inserted in right retrocrural space on the
level of L1. After contrast and 4 ml 2%
lidocaine injection, 15 ml 95% alcohol injected Pain relieved
completely. No additional analgesia
requirements lifetime (10 weeks).
Case 2. 62 years old male with gastric
cancer. Cancer recurrence after partial gastrectomy and
severe intractable abdominal pain. 120 mg
morphine hydrochloride daily, pain score 6-8 VAS. T12-L1
computed tomography guided transdiscal
splanchnic nerve block performed in patient prone position.
After marking of injection site at left
side from vertebral column and deep infiltration with 1% lidocaine,
a 22G 20 cm Chiba needle had been
inserted. 0.1 g cefazolin injected intradiscally. Intervertebral disk
penetrated centrally and contrast spread
was equal on both sides between aorta and L1 vertebra.
Pain relieved after injection of 5 ml 2%
lidocaine and 15 ml 95% alcohol. After procedure pain score –
3-4, patient was needed in 10 mg morphine
hydrochloride and 150 mg lyrica daily.
In conclusion, computed tomography guided
transdiscal splanchnic neurolysis is a safe and effective
treatment tool for upper abdomen cancer
pain relief. In cases of incomplete neurolysis repeated
neurolytic block may be helpful.
(s) Details
Vakhtang Shoshiashvili
of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Research Institute of Clinical Medicine,
Tbilisi, Georgia and Faculty of Medicine, European University, Tbilisi,
Nino Japharidze
Department of Radiology, Research
Institute of Clinical Medicine Tbilisi, Georgia.
Inga Shoshiashvili
Department of Clinical Oncology,
Research Institute of Clinical Medicine Tbilisi, Georgia.
Tamar Rukhadze
Department of Clinical Oncology,
Research Institute of Clinical Medicine Tbilisi, Georgia and Faculty of
Medicine, Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia.
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