Wednesday 14 July 2021

Study of the Mineral Composition and Its Connection with Some Properties Important for the Sludge Flocculation Process-Examples from Omarska Mine: A Comparative Approach | Chapter 6 | Current Approaches in Science and Technology Research Vol. 9

 The primary goal of this research is to characterise the mineralogical properties of two sludge samples collected from hydro-cyclone overflow created during the processing of iron ore at the Omarska mine. A comparison of mineral composition and its relationship with key features relevant to the sludge flocculation process was also carried out. Major goethite and quartz are found in the studied sludge samples, with less clay minerals and little magnetite, hematite, clinochlore, and todorokite. They have qualitatively comparable but semi-quantitatively distinct compositions. The particle size distributions in the samples are similar, with the maximum amounts of roughly 50% belonging to the finest classes of 6 m. Almost equal iron contents are present within size classes within the samples, indicating similar mineral compositions, making this system exceedingly difficult for additional separation techniques. Due to its increased density and mineral makeup, Sludge II has a faster natural settling rate. With the addition of the flocculant, settling rates in both samples increase dramatically as the liquid component increases. The effect of the flocculant on the settling rate varies depending on the mineral makeup of the samples. The ratio of the mass of floating and sinking pieces is not affected by the time of settling, and the iron content does not alter over time. Because flocculation raises the level of iron to some extent, it should be considered an appropriate approach. Sludge has a zeta potential that is generally between that of goethite and quartz, indicating particle mixing and complicated connection.

Author (S) Details

Ljiljana Tankosic
Faculty of Mining Prijedor, University of Banja Luka, Save Kovacevica bb, 79101 Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Pavle Tancic
Geological Survey of Serbia, Rovinjska 12, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.

Svjetlana Sredic
Faculty of Mining Prijedor, University of Banja Luka, Save Kovacevica bb, 79101 Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Zoran Nedic
Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Studentski Trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.

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