Sunday 11 July 2021

Sensory Evaluation of Lamb’s Meat from Vlasina Lake, Serbia | Chapter 3 | Cutting-edge Research in Agricultural Sciences Vol. 11

 It is known that sheep and lamb are highly nutritious. In Serbia, the most delicious mountain lambs why are most of the country and the world. In the modern sheep production economy, it is estimated that 85-90 percent of the income is provided by the obtained meat and milk used for fattening lambs, while wool accounts for only 10-15 percent of the total value of income. The characteristics and composition of lamb meat are primarily determined by the way the animals are raised, as well as the implementation of numerous measures required in the fattening of young lambs. The goal of this paper is to find out what the sensory properties of lamb meat are. The research was conducted on 12 lambs (6 male and 6 female) of the “Pirot improved sheep” to determine the influence of fattening lamb length and lamb gender on sensory properties of fresh and thermally treated lamb meat. The first group of lambs were fattened for 60 days, the second and third for 120 and 180 days, respectively. The mother's milk is the lamb's nutrition until rejection (40 days). After 40 days, it switched to pelleted concentrate (containing 18% protein) and a high-quality hay that was fed ad libidum as the concentrate. At the end of the fattening period, the lamb is slaughtered using the standard technique. Color, odor, texture, and marbling are the sensory properties of meat that were evaluated on a scale of 0 to 5. The fresh meat of the third group of lambs has the best sensory features, while the meat of the first group has a lower average score. The sex of the lamb influences the marbling of the meat. Female lamb meat has significantly better marbling than male lamb meat (P 0.05). For male and female lambs, the odor, flavor, tenderness, and softness of thermally treated lamb meat are not significant in any of the three groups. For both genders of lambs, mean tenderness values are significantly (P 0.01) higher in the second group compared to the first. The sensory properties of roasted meat Female lamb meat for the three groups received higher grades than male lamb meat. Statistically significant differences in meat flavor between genders were found in the second (P 0.05) and third (P 0.01) groups of lambs. It is possible to conclude that thermally treated meat from female lambs has better sensory qualities than meat from male lambs. There are significant differences in mass losses between the first and third groups, as well as between the second and third groups (P 0.01). The gender of lambs has no effect on the mass losses of meat during cooking or roasting.

Author (s) Details

Jasmina Stojiljkovc
University "Union Nikola Tesla", Belgrade, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Nis, Serbia, Department Modern Food Technology, Dusana Popovica 22a, 18000 Nis, Serbia.

Zoran Stojiljkovic
Meat Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, University “St Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje, Macedonia.

Prof. Dragutin Djukic
University in Kragujevac, Faculty of Agronomy, Cara Dusana 34, 32000 Cacak, Serbia.

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