Wednesday 14 July 2021

Investigation on the Real Time Appliance Management and Control System for Smart Home/Office Automation | Chapter 12 | Current Approaches in Science and Technology Research Vol. 9

 The term "smart" now refers to the entire globe, with terms like "smart city," "smart phone," and "smart watch" being used interchangeably. This project's research focuses on the potential of full home/office control, which is the long-term goal of a real-time monitoring and control system. This project examines and implements home automation technology that uses a Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) modem to manage home and office appliances such as lighting, air conditioning, fans, water tanks, and security systems via the Internet and SMS text messaging. The ability to turn on/off air conditioners dependent on the amount of people in the room is another feature of the system that contributes to its appeal. The proposed study focuses on GSM protocol capability, which enables users to control the target system while they are away from home. Lights and fans, for example, can be controlled remotely via a webpage. If there is no internet connection, a theft detection notice can be sent via SMS. The server will be linked to relay hardware circuits that will control the appliances in the house and workplace. The user can choose the right device thanks to the server's communication. Serial communication and AT-commands were used to create the smart GSM-based real-time system. Homeowners will be able to get feedback on the status of any household equipment they control remotely, including whether they are turned on or off. With the needed baud rate of 9600 bps, the PIC 16F887A microcontroller with GSM integration plays a crucial role. A GSM-based home automation system prototype has been built and tested with up to four loads and has shown to be functional. With the touch of a button on a smart phone or laptop, the proposed work provides an efficient, secure, and cost-effective solution for real-time monitoring and control in smart homes/offices.

Author (S) Details

Geetanjali Yatnalkar
Department of Electronics Engineering, Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Vidya Gogate
Department of Electronics Engineering, Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Vinit Kotak
Department of Electronics Engineering, Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

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