Friday 16 July 2021

An Advanced Approach on Focused Crawling with Anchor Text | Chapter 4 | Current Topics on Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 3

 This paper discusses an advanced technique with focused crawling for various anchor texts.

Background: The majority of search engines employ anchor text to scan the web for relevant pages and to respond to users' queries. The crawler scans the web pages and filters out the ones that aren't needed, which can be done with focused crawling. A focused crawler creates a boundary to crawl only the pages that are relevant to the link and ignores the rest of the web.

Methods and Results: To increase the quality of the search, an effective targeted crawling strategy is employed in this research. To optimise the navigation of the search, three learning phases are explored, including content-based, link-based, and sibling-based learning. The crawler crawls through the relevant pages efficiently in this method, and more relevant pages are obtained effectively.

The goal of the project is to get a greater number of relevant pages for varied anchor texts using three learning phases and focused crawling.

Author (S) Details

Dr. S. Subatra Devi
Hindustan College of Arts & Science, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

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