Friday 16 July 2021

A Recent Study on the Graeco-Latin Square and Hyper Graeco-Latin Square Designs | Chapter 11 | Current Topics on Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 3

 A Latin square model can regulate two sources of nuisance variability at the same time. The Graeco-Latin square is an expansion of a Latin square that may simultaneously regulate three sources of nuisance variability as an experimental design paradigm. The Graeco-Latin square was first mentioned in 1782. This model's following features will be discussed: A brief history, estimation and ANOVA, application to experimental data analysis (example with R code included), model development, and a test for non-additivity are all discussed. It will also be discussed a R example of the Hyper Graeco-Latin square model, which extends the Graeco-Latin square to control four sources of nuisance variability.

Author (S) Details

Dr. W. H. Moolman
Walter Sisulu University, Mthatha, South Africa.

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