In the world of day today technological advancements, still
lifting the light motor vehicle is an
unavoidable and a complicated practice. Manual lifting
using various jack systems expect more
human effort and comparatively consumes considerable
time. In various proposals carried earlier
regarding lifting the vehicle more number of jack systems,
various power source terminals and
requires an additional actuating means, which is
redesigned with optimized conditions. This paper
investigates a proposed system that increases the
comfort of the light motor vehicle users which
brings them closer to the technological up gradation.
To lift the vehicle, the user need to exert a gentle
push over the lever, that actuates the desired
hydraulic jack to the preferred height. The proposed
project is also mainly concentrated towards the ease of
differently abled and aged persons.
Author(s) Details
R. S. Mohan Kumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kumaraguru College of
Technology, Coimbatore, India.
M. A. Vinayagamoorthi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kumaraguru College of
Technology, Coimbatore, India.
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