Aim: Featuring identity and well-being of Bulgarian adolescents and
adults and their preferred
adaptation pathways.
Study Design: Comparison of the results from
two cross-sectional studies, completed in 2008 and
2018 with 703 Bulgarian volunteers in total, aged 18-60. The focus is the
analysis of the adaptive
response to the experienced environment – as stable or unstable, supportive or
Results: The general results reveal
that there is no change in the distribution of the identity statuses
for a period, lasting more than a decade. Most of the volunteers prefer to
postpone their stable
commitments and proceed to attain and reorganize their identity. Furthermore,
this is not a result of
inner choice, but mainly adaptive response to the requirements and the
restrictions of the context.
Environment, perceived as unstable and preventing strong commitments results in
identity choices
postponement as most adaptive person-context transaction. The uncompleted
transition period
promotes transitive identity statuses, postponement of stable commitments and
exploration. For adolescence coherent to age development, more adaptive is
active exploration,
whereas for adults adaptive is to support previous commitments, as they used to
be beneficial in the
Conclusion: When context is perceived as
insecure and not supportive, this results in search for new
commitments or identity reorganization and perceived stress. In this sense, the
main accent on
individual level is the adaptive feature of the identity statuses and coping
strategies and their relations. Support for self-integration through the three
steps of identity - self-knowledge, self-acceptance and self-expression - can
facilitate identity reorganization. This is related to stress management as
well. If person fails to employ enough adaptive strategies of reactive and
proactive coping consecutively and coherently, the basic sense of
self-authenticity and self-integration is compromised. The main conclusion is
that promotion of self-reflection and successful reactive responses can
transform into proactive behaviour and become a component of the optimal
identity. This overall process can be learnt and implemented as a cognitive,
emotional and behavioral mindfulness, based on self-reflection and active
Author (s) Details
Sofia University St. Klimеnt Ohridski,
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