Thursday, 30 June 2022

Immunological Bases of Successful and Unsuccessful Pregnancy: HLA Sensitization Therapy in Cases of Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion | Chapter 12 | Current Practice in Medical Science Vol. 3

Recurrent spontaneous abortions (RSA) have an uncertain aetiology that may involve several factors. Diagnosis and therapy are controversial and have different degrees of effectiveness. The majority of RSA instances, however, are still poorly understood and linked to other autoimmune and alloimmune conditions.

Here, the success of the pregnancy test and the positivity of the cross-match test were used to assess the efficiency of immunotherapy using paternal HLA-sensitizing mononuclear cells in cases with RSA.

The study comprised a total of twelve couples with a history of RSA displaying a negative cross-match. Three doses of paternal mononuclear cell immunotherapy were given to women.

After immunotherapy, the research revealed a crossmatch test positive of 96.6 percent, of which 90.9 percent had successful pregnancies. Immunotherapy using paternal mononuclear cells in the study cohort was effective in sensitising the mother's immune system, which led to a healthy pregnancy, making it a great alternative treatment and source of hope for couples with this issue.

Author(s) Details:

Luiz Werber-Bandeira,
Clinical and Experimental Immunology and Allergy Service, Santa Casa da Misericordia do Rio de Janeiro/Imunoderm Clinic, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Isabela Mansur Bandeira,
Clinical and Experimental Immunology and Allergy Service, Santa Casa da Misericordia do Rio de Janeiro/Imunoderm Clinic, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Juliana Vasconcellos,
Clinical and Experimental Immunology and Allergy Service, Santa Casa da Misericordia do Rio de Janeiro/Imunoderm Clinic, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Thiago Luiz Bandeira,
Clinical and Experimental Immunology and Allergy Service, Santa Casa da Misericordia do Rio de Janeiro/Imunoderm Clinic, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Jorge Oliveira,
Clinical and Experimental Immunology and Allergy Service, Santa Casa da Misericordia do Rio de Janeiro/Imunoderm Clinic, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Carla Goulart,
Clinical and Experimental Immunology and Allergy Service, Santa Casa da Misericordia do Rio de Janeiro/Imunoderm Clinic, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Aderbal Sabra,
Food Allergy and Autism Unit of the Clinical Immunology Service, Santa Casa da Misericordia do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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