Monday, 27 June 2022

Study on the Effects of Zeolite and Organic Fertilizers on Soil Quality and Crop Yield | Chapter 2 | Current Topics in Agricultural Sciences Vol. 8

The usage of natural zeolite can help to raise the calibre of the soil. This research was done to determine how zeolite and organic fertilisers interact to affect soil quality and crop output. The effects of using natural zeolite and combining it with organic matter in two degraded soils are examined in this chapter. Their locations and edaphoclimatic conditions are given below. Soil I. The experimental station of sugarcane "Jesus Menendez" is located at 22081'19" N latitude and 800 03'74" W longitudes, in the municipality of Sagua La Grande, which lies in the northern shore of Villa Clara province. The soil being investigated was vertisols (Soil Survey Staff, 1999). Vertisols are fairly clay-like yet become plastic when exposed to a lot of water. According to Köppen, the area climate is classified as Aw. The research area's average annual rainfall is 1150 mm, and its average annual temperature is 25°C. sand II. The research was done in Chile's Copiapo Province, which is in the Atacama Desert and is situated at 27031'46" south and 70016'00" west. According to the Köppen-Geiger classification, the area's climate is categorised as "cold desert" (BWk) (Peel, Finlayson, and McMahon 2007). With an average temperature of 16.1°C and 74 percent relative humidity, the mean annual precipitation is 18 mm. The agroecosystems in this region, which are located at an elevation of 1300 m asl and consist of newly farmed salty and non-salty-sodic soils, are severely deteriorated. The soils fall within the category of Typic Haplocambids. Haplic Solonchaks-Haplic Solonetz, FAO UNESCO; Haplic Solonchaks-Haplic Solonetz, WRB; Haplocambids - Sodic Xeric Haplocambids (Aridisols), Soil Taxonomy The treatment Z 7.5 t ha-1 + SFC 22.5 t ha-1, which represents a relative increase of 200 percent vs. control without fertiliser in the Soil I, produced the highest effects on cane production. The positive effects of zeolite treatment on soil quality and sugarcane yield are supported by relationships between soil characteristics and principal component analysis. II In the Soil In just three years, the alfalfa/organic matter/zeolite combinations caused the soil to go from mildly sodic (ESP = 14.62 percent) to non-sodic (ESP = 5.32 percent). Under semi-controlled circumstances, 8t ha-1 zeolite + 4t ha-1 compost produced the greatest plant growth responses. The saline and sodic soils under investigation undergo mineralogical alterations as a result of the integrated application of agroecological management that takes into account organic fertilisers, natural minerals, and alfalfa. This causes the release of nutrients that can be assimilated as well as a drop in pH and ESP.

Author(s) Details:

Pedro Cairo Cairo,
Universidad de Atacama, Centro Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Sustentable (CRIDESAT), Copiapó-1532000, Chile.

Bladimir Diaz Martin,
Universidad de Atacama, Centro Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Sustentable (CRIDESAT), Copiapó-1532000, Chile.

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