National Administration of Penitentiaries
in Romania aims to improve the conditions of detention of
detainees and improve the overall level
of safety, in the spirit of national and international advanced
standards in the field. These indicators
give us an objective image in the area of deprivation of
freedom, but also a subjective side felt
the target group of the study, the inmates. The present chapter
was conducted to this end, at the request
of NAP. In order to understand developments that occurred
in the NAP system in the past 3-4
decades, the study begins by briefly describing the detention
conditions and existing feeding in
European prisons before the late l960. The study was conducted
with the following research methods:
bibliographic documentation on the history and actuality to feed
the residents of prisons various
countries, focusing on the situation in Romania and other countries,
studying regulations on feeding
management persons serving sentences of imprisonment in Romania,
realization of interviews with residents
in prison on detention conditions and to feed the prison,
carrying out discussions with specialists
from prison on the main difficulties encountered in their
specific activity.
Author (s) Details
Adina Mihailescu
Institute for Quality of Life, Bucharest, Romania.
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