Saturday 30 September 2023

Insights to Develop a New Formula of NAD+-Boosting Supplement by Integrating the Philosophy of Traditional Chinese into Western Medicine | Chapter 4 | Novel Research Aspects in Medicine and Medical Science Vol. 3

 The curtailed pools of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and subsequent decline in mitochondrial functions precede to many ageing-related disorders. Simultaneous renovation of cellular NAD+ and mitochondrial act may be a powerful healing approach in curing old individuals. However, studies reporting coordinated increases in the levels of NAD+ and mitochondrial activity are still to be made. Here, we report a orderly review of the available history to determine whether mixing Chinese concepts in plotting a Western-style medicine is an excellent planning to promote the advantageous effects of NAD+ supplements in treating age-accompanying phenotypes. We sought the potential benefits of few specific molecules (NAD+, nicotinic acid, urolithin A, pyrroloquinoline quinone) in reinforcing NAD+ anabolism and mitochondrial adeptness. Synergistic and antagonistic effects of these particles to treat ageing-accompanying disorders were considered. Finally, a Western-style NAD+-boosting supplement rule based on the “ruler, minister, assistant, and envoy” knowledge of traditional Chinese cure is proposed. The study's findings meant the role of NAD+, nicotinic acid, urolithin A, and pyrroloquinoline quinone as ruler, minister, assistant, and envoy, individually. Accordingly, a proper recipe is proposed to simultaneously reinforce NAD+ anabolism and mitochondrial accomplishment. The role of the proposed rule at multiple levels of institution, i.e., organelle, cell, means, and body, is still highlighted to demonstrate the appropriate beneficial belongings. We conclude that the suggested NAD+ supplement wields double-fold effects in reconstructing cellular energy rank because of allure simultaneous action on NAD+ absorption and mitochondrial performance. However, future studies, containing pre-clinical/clinical trials and bioinformatics reasonings, are crucial to authorize the proposed action of the supplement rule in achieving unending health benefits.

Author(s) Details:

Bamboo X. Z. Yan,
Australian Institute of Integrative Medicine, New South Wales, Australia.

Chi Zhang,
Australian Institute of Integrative Medicine, New South Wales, Australia.

Thombas Ebjer,
Australian Institute of Integrative Medicine, New South Wales, Australia.

Hina Asrar,
Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan.

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