Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Widow′s Peak Scalp-hair Anomaly among the Yorubas in Nigeria | Chapter 17 | Current Topics in Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 7

 Introduction: The purpose of this scholarly work was to determine the preponderance among the Yorubas in Nigeria of the widow 's peak. Materials and Methods: This inquiry followed a cross-sectional descriptive survey technique and made use of the form of data and direct observation. 290 subjects and multistage sampling were included in the inquiry. An examination of the forehead of each subject was conducted to investigate the presence of the widow 's peak with a bright light. For the descriptive statistics and the use of chi-square tests to recognise the correlation between gender and distribution of widow 's peak, the records obtained were anatomized with simple frequency percentage. The Social Sciences Statistical Package ( SPSS) version 23 was used in the bid to anatomize the statistics. Any p-value not as high as 0.05 has been considered important. Results: 189 males and 195 females were scrutinised in total. In 19% and 13% of males and females , respectively, Widow's peak was found. The value of the chi-square is 2.315, the degree of freedom (df) = 1 and p is 0.125. There is also no major gender gap in the prevalence of the Widow 's peak in Nigeria among the Yorubas (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Among the Yorubas in Nigeria, Widow 's peak is not prevalent.

Author(s) Details

E. Anibor
Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria.


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