In South Asia, marigolds were well known and respected by ancient people. In the daily life of the Indian sub-continent, the vivid orange and red colours of marigolds are seen everywhere. They are primarily decorative plants, although in all kinds of ceremonies, including weddings, flowers are used. In South Asian medicine, Marigold has been used rarely. In particular, marigold leaves and flowers have been used for different disorders. Marigold species are being studied for their possible health benefits. They are now being used for several days for the treatment of different diseases. Calendula as an effective treatment for different conditions has not yet been proved by any clinical review or analysis. The use of marigold, however has shown promise in treating various illnesses. So Marigold may be the most powerful remedy of choice for different diseases, and this new study will undoubtedly help mankind lead a safer and disease-free life.
Author(s) Details
Ms. Komalpreet Kaur
of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, G.H.G Khalsa College of Pharmacy, Gurusar Sadhar,
Ludhiana. Punjab, India.
Ms. Ramninder Kaur
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