A case of LAF formed after a surgical Maze procedure is mentioned in the present study, which demonstrates the importance of a systematic approach to mapping and ablating atypical atrial flutter to prevent symptomatic arrhythmia from recurring. A typical atrial flutter is a normal arrhythmia characterized by macro-reentry based on a non-cavotricuspid isthmus. There are several different possible LA reentry circuits that require different pathways in patients with prior cardiac surgery procedures and in particular, after a surgical maze. To determine the vital isthmus of the circuit and effectively terminate the arrhythmia, both activation mapping and training mapping were performed. Mapping and ablation of atypical atrial flutter based on catheters is possible and effective, albeit technically challenging. For achieving acute performance and long-term results, the combination of activation mapping using a non-fluoroscopic 3D mapping method and training mapping is essential.
Author (s) Details
Sergio Conti
Southlake Regional Health Centre, Newmarket, Canada and University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Dr. Zaev Wulffhart
Southlake Regional Health Centre, Newmarket, Canada and University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
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