We present the case of a 46-year-old man with a two-year history of cachexia-related denture loss and a two-month history of odynophagia-related fluids and solids dysphagia. An ENT department analysis in which a diagnostic rigid oesophagoscopy was performed under general anaesthesia found that a denture affected the oesophagus wall 17 cm from the incisor. As the denture was deeply embedded in the oesophageal wall and bled readily on attempted removal, attempts at recovery were ineffective. He subsequently underwent the cardiothoracic surgical team's 2-stage surgical management approach. Via a developed feeding gastrostomy tube through a minimal midline laparotomy, the patient first underwent nutritional rehabilitation for a month. He then had an open oesophagotomy of the transcervical and removal of the denture. After surgery, they are now doing well and tolerating a regular oral diet. While most dentures are radiolucent, diagnostic studies are still important, including upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, Barium Oesophagogram, and neck and chest CT scans. In detecting radiopaque clasps on dental prostheses, lateral neck radiographs can be helpful. While endoscopic removal is the standard treatment modality, in the event of failure or contraindication to endoscopic removal, successful open surgery removal is possible.
Author(s) Details
Isaac Okyere
of Surgery, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.
Perditer Okyere
View Book :- https://bp.bookpi.org/index.php/bpi/catalog/book/316
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