The general public is generally aware that blood and blood products transfusions can save lives, but that they can also pose substantial hazards of infection transmission. Jehovah's Witnesses have traditionally been profoundly pious people who resist blood transfusions. According to the 2010 Brazilian census, there were 1,393,208 Jehovah's Witnesses in the country this year. The majority of anesthesiologists interviewed do not honour Jehovah's Witness patients' preferences. Despite the fact that the Brazilian Constitution provides religious freedom and life autonomy, the legal system has a long history of discrimination. For religious grounds, believes that people are not permitted to live their own lives. There is a present scenario in the disciplinary and judicial administrative domains that allows for professional and hospital accountability. The two patients, a 17-year-old boy and a 77-year-old woman, are bloodless and have Hb levels of roughly 4 g/dL. Multiple techniques to avoid and optimise oxygen supply will reduce anaemia in Jehovah's Witness patients, as well as their morbidity and mortality. The medical staff must respect the autonomy of the patients and follow bioethics principles such as beneficence, non-maleficence, and occasionally justice. The major goal of the chapter was to use a questionnaire to assess the subject's jurisprudence and anesthesiologists' level of understanding in regard to the treatment of Jehovah's Witnesses. A secondary goal was to report on surgical anaesthesia treatment experience with two patients, one young and one senior.
Author (S) Details
Luiz Eduardo Imbelloni
Co-responsible for CET-MEC-SBA, Anesthesiologist Hospital Clínicas Municipal São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo.
Ana Carolina Vilela
Anesthesiologist Hospital Clínicas Municipal São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo.
Nathália Maluf Ghorayeb
Anesthesiologist Hospital Clínicas Municipal São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo.
Eduardo Piccinini Viana
Responsible for CET-MEC-SBA, Anesthesiologist Hospital Clínicas Municipal São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo.
Jaime Weslei Sakamoto
Anesthesiologist Hospital Clínicas Municipal São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo.
André Augusto de Araujo
Anesthesiologist Hospital Clínicas Municipal São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo.
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