Tuesday, 10 November 2020

An Advanced Way to Realize Controlled Nuclear Fusion by γ Laser or γ Ray | Chapter 4 | New Insights into Physical Science Vol. 8

 Regulated nuclear fusion has made great progress to date, but not the ultimate achievement. The Lawson criteria must be fulfilled as a required condition for nuclear fusion. With their certain frequencies and high enough intensities to irradiate a target ball, a way is proposed to realise controllable-nuclear fusion by  γ laser or γ ray and ordinary laser. The role of ordinary lasers is to heat the target nuclei and to understand the target nuclei's inertial containment. The γ photon-absorbing target nuclei would be in a certain excited state. In order to realise the fusion of the nuclei in their excited states, the scattering cross-sections will be greater and the ignition temperature will be smaller than those of the nuclei in their soil states. In comparison to the nuclei applied in traditional fusion, e.g., deutons and tritons, the nuclei applied to fusion should have the following characteristics according to the way: the nuclei have their excited states, one of the excited states has greater energy and longer life, and the nuclei masses are smaller. Thus, it is easier to realise the Lawson circumstances so that the controllable nuclear fusion is likely realised by the way.

Author(s) Details

Shi-Hao Chen
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin Province, 130024,China.

Ziwei Chen

Laboratory of Microwave and Electromagnetic Radiation, Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, 100190, China.

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