Tuesday 21 December 2021

Effects of Surface Properties of Rocky Areas on Overland Flow Generation in an Arid Area | Chapter 10 | Current Advances in Geography, Environment and Earth Science Vol. 1

 Overland flow is commonly thought to be a significant factor to channel flow. This technique is particularly appropriate in arid watersheds where base flow is meaningless, and notably in tiny watersheds where non-climatic elements such as lithology, topography, and local surface qualities can have a significant impact on overland flow generation. Understanding overland flow generation in dryland environments is especially essential since the frequency and amount of overland flow generation are largely reliant on rainfall thresholds for streamflow creation. For semi-arid locations, there is a sizable body of literature. Despite the lower average annual rainfall, the frequency and magnitude of channel flow are higher in the drier areas than in the semi-arid, wetter areas, according to several of these studies. This is due to the wetter locations having a more extensive soil and vegetation cover. Nonetheless, our understanding of the complicated processes that influence overland flow generation, the primary contributor to channel flow in extremely arid places (annual rainfall less than 50 mm) is limited. The primary goal of this study is to gather precise data on runoff generation under natural rainfall conditions in a variety of geological formations and surface qualities in an extremely arid environment (28 mm average annual rainfall). The research was based on a few tiny runoff plots (about 3 m2) in each of the lithologies studied: limestone, granite, sandstone, and siltstone. The first plot depicts a stony terrain, whereas the second depicts a colluvial surface. The study lasted two years in total. The data revealed that the frequency and magnitude of runoff generation were always higher in the rocky plots than in the colluvial plots in each of the lithologies. In the rocky and colluvial plots, however, runoff generation was not uniform. This is owing to the stoniness and roughness of each plot's local surface characteristics. The information gathered brings us back to two significant geomorphological challenges. The first is the ability to extrapolate data from one location to another with similar rainfall patterns. The second point to consider is the relative impact of regular rain events vs uncommon geomorphic occurrences in terms of geomorphic significance.

Author(S) Details

Aaron Yair
Department of Geography, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

Eran Meiri
Department of Geography, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

Hanan Ginat
Dead Sea and Arava Science Center, Arava District, Israel.

View Book:- https://stm.bookpi.org/CAGEES-V1/article/view/5199

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