Thursday, 18 February 2021

Reporting a Case Study with Minireview: Exceptional Fertility and Poor Fetal Outcome in a Female with 17-Year Hemodialysis | Chapter 1 | Highlights on Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 2

Context: Chronic kidney disease may affect various aspects of the life of female patients, including menstrual pattern, marital status and sexuality, fertility, outcome of pregnancy, and prescribed contraceptive methods, particularly when HD is initiated. It is an underrated concern for both sexes and has not been adequately assessed. It has been noted in Egypt that it is rare for a female hemodialysis (HD) to start her marriage after HD initiation; this can be attributed to a negative self-image faced and viewed by the patient by the group. In addition, marrying another HD partner is also less common for an HD patient and it is odd for them to conceive during. In addition, the marriage of another HD partner is also less common for an HD patient and it is odd for them to conceive during HD.

Objective: To explain the prospect of starting a family and to prepare for a healthy pregnancy in patients with ESRD during HD therapy.

Patient Scenario: Our case is an Egyptian girl, 36 years old, who began HD in 1999 and continued for 17 years on HD. She was married four times and born by three partners five times. Her second HD husband gave her a live birth just once, but unfortunately, the baby died within a couple of days. During her last four years of life, the woman used Implanon - with its potential side effects - as a form of contraception. She decided to withdraw from her dialysis program after 17 hectic years of HD and tragic marital and fertility incidents, opted to live in isolation, and died as a result of cerebral hemorrhage within five days.

Results and Conclusions: If appropriate, with a multi-disciplinary discussion between the obstetrician, the patient, the family, and the nephrologist, contraceptive methods must be carefully selected. If they receive adequate treatment, pregnancy and healthy pregnancies are believed to be possible in HD couples.

Author (s) Details

Dr. Abir Farouk Megahed
Mansoura Military Hospital, Mansoura, Egypt.

Al Zahraa Ahmed Gamal Ammar
HD Unit in Alexandria Fever Hospital, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.

Dr. Ehab Hussein Hashish
Department of Ob/Gyn, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.

Prof Dr. Nagy Sayed-Ahmed
Mansoura Nephrology and Dialysis Unit (MNDU), Mansoura Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.

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