The type effect is theoretically studied in the presence of a magnetic field on the binding energy and diamagnetic resistance of a shallow donor restricted to moving in Quantum Dots'QD '. Magnetic field effects are predominant for higher field intensity and large dots. The numerical calculations, using a variational method, are carried out in the effective mass approximation. We define an infinite deep potential as the result of quantum containment. For the Spherical Quantum Dot 'SQD' and Cylindrical Quantum Dot 'CQD', the shape effect is investigated. The findings for these two types of structures show that, with the magnetic field, the diamagnetic susceptibility and the binding energy increase. For larger dots, there are more pronounced ones. We note that the binding energy and diamagnetic susceptibility are decreasing functions of the quantum dot dimension for a zero magnetic field, according to theoretical literature findings. We hope this study will encourage further experimental interest in quantum dot structures on donors.
Author (s) DetailsS. Janati. Edrissi
Groupe des Nanomatériaux et Energies Renouvelables, L P S, Faculté des Sciences Dhar Mehraz, BP 1796, Fès, Morocco.
I. Zorkani
Groupe des Nanomatériaux et Energies Renouvelables, L P S, Faculté des Sciences Dhar Mehraz, BP 1796, Fès, Morocco.
K. Rahmani
ERPTM, Polydisciplinary Faculty -Beni Mellal, Sultan My Slimane University, Beni Mellal, Morroco.
A. Jorio
Groupe des Nanomatériaux et Energies Renouvelables, L P S, Faculté des Sciences Dhar Mehraz, BP 1796, Fès, Morocco.
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