Thursday, 5 November 2020

Recent Approach on a Software (MP-GEO) Process Framework for Guiding the Specification of Geospatial Databases in the Cloud | Chapter 1 | Recent Developments in Engineering Research Vol. 7

 The present study aims to define a recent approach to the MP-GEO software Process Architecture for geospatial database specification guidance in the cloud. There is a rising need for geospatial databases to support a range of applications and user needs. The general requirements for building such databases are well known, but due to the unique requirements of operating environments, technical tools and approaches continue their growth. The introduction of domain-specific databases also poses significant challenges in certain cases. There are many important issues emerging from the variety of geospatial data sources in interdisciplinary research environments in which groups can function in a similar geographical area. In the case of the MP-GEO project, key problems, namely authorship and copyright, require the involvement of software specialists with a fresh look at the specification structure and the management of its geospatial details. Natural and social processes related to agriculture, ecology and natural resources are investigated in the MP-GEO categories. In order to exchange and reuse information in various projects, the key problem is addressing data incompatibilities. The MP-Geo project arises from the long-standing and specific needs of scholars and students working in the fields described above. This paper therefore proposes enhancements in the specification of the MP-Geo software process to migrate a geospatial database to the cloud. The structure for software continues to emphasise good practises and standards of software engineering.

Author(s) Details

Yolanda M. Fernández-Ordóñez
Geomatics Laboratory, College of Postgraduates in Agricultural Sciences, Campus Montecillo, Texcoco, Mexico.

Jesús Soria-Ruiz
Geomatics & Agro-Climatology Lab., National Institute of Research for Forestry Agricultural and Livestock (INIFAP), Toluca, Mexico.

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