Sunday, 8 November 2020

Organisational Sustainability: A Literature Review| Chapter 10| Modern Advances in Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences Vol. 1

 In order to understand different concepts related to organisational sustainability and its development, this study aims to review the current literature on organisational sustainability. The investigator has reviewed more than one hundred and fifty peer-reviewed journal articles relating to organisational sustainability published between 1987 and 2020 to achieve these goals. The literature review results indicated that different concepts of organisational sustainability have existed and that organisational sustainability is in the process of evolution. In addition, this literature review demonstrated the significance at the organisational level of stakeholder participation in decision-making related to sustainability. When implementing sustainability in organisations, the long-term outlook has become a primary consideration; it has, however, also become one of the main sources of concern for corporate leadership in this millennium. The literature also recognises national cultural values and organisational culture as affecting leadership decisions related to organisational sustainability. Therefore, this literature review confirmed that in achieving organisational sustainability, there are no best solutions or strategies, while managers should adopt holistic perspectives and implement creative solutions to resolve sustainability issues unique to their own organisations. It can therefore be inferred that organisational leadership applied from a holistic point of view will promote outstanding results in the establishment of organisational sustainability. Instead of using a simplistic approach, future research should seek to understand organisational sustainability in a context-specific way.

Author (s) Details

Dr (Mrs) E. A. G. Sumanasiri
Department of Commerce, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.

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