Odisha, an agrarian state on India's east coast, is divided into seven districts along the 480-kilometer Bay of Bengal coast. Rain and ground water are important for agriculture and livelihood in Odisha. It is orthodox and dishonest to use water for irrigation and water supply on a whim. Ground water along the coast has become unfit for cultivation due to anthropogenic stress and salinity contamination from densely populated coastal districts. The condition of the aquifer geometry, ground water, flow regime, and its quality all play a role in yield augmentation. Coastal Odisha covers 14700 km2 and is home to 1.26 million inhabitants, extending 20-25 kilometres inland. Six anastomosed river systems debouch the Bay of Bengal thanks to the land cover of mangroves, sodden trees, alluvial flora, waterlogged swamps, deciduous forests, and sandy dunes. The edaphic factors demand that brackish water in its aquifers be upgraded. The physicochemical parameters of its wells/tube wells water used for irrigation, such as pH, alkalinity, electrical conductivity, and values of dissolved ionic constituents (Na+, Mg++, Ca++,K+), are studied for the years 2009-2014, as well as rainfall (2008-2020), river flow, and paddy yield. The water quality indices of the collected underground water, such as Sodium absorption ratio, Kelly's index, Permeability Index, and many others, are measured to discuss their suitability for use as irrigation water in the region and considered healthy. Various water management techniques are researched, and ongoing moderation procedures are mirrored, so that coastal Odisha's ground water can be used for irrigation productively.
Author (s) Details
Dr. Siba Prasad Mishra
Civil Engineering Department, Centurion University and Technology, Jatni, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Pin-752050, India.
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