analysis and control of a nonlinear mathematical epidemic model (S Svih
V E LI ) based on a system of ordinary differential equations modelling the
spread of tuberculosis infectious with VIH/AIDS coinfection are the subject of
this paper. The existence of both disease-free and endemic equilibrium is
debated. R0 is the reproduction number that has been calculated. We
investigate the stability of epidemic systems around equilibriums using
Lyapunov-Lasalle methods (Disease free and endemic equilibrium). The
disease-free equilibrium's global asymptotic stability is proven whenever Rvac
< 1, where R0 is the reproduction
number. We also show that Tuberculosis can be eradicated when R0 is less than
one. To validate analytic data, numerical simulations are used. To achieve
disease prevention by reducing the infectious group to the lowest level of
vaccine coverage possible. There is a formulation of a control problem. The
optimal control is defined using the Pontryagin's maximum theory. The Runge
Kutta fourth method is used to extract and solve the optimality system
Author (s) Details
Department of Mathematics, University of Yaound´e I, Higher Teacher Training College, P.O. Box 47 Yaound´ e, Cameroon and AIDEPY Association des Ing ´enieurs Diplom´es de l’Ecole Polytechnique de Yaound´ e, Cameroon.
Thomas Timothee Manga
AIDEPY Association des Ing ´enieurs Diplom´es de l’Ecole Polytechnique de Yaound´ e, Cameroon.
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