Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Design and Development of CPLD Based on Low Power Pipelined 64-bit RISC Processor with Unbiased Floating Point Unit | Chapter 5 | Theory and Applications of Engineering Research Vol. 1

 RISC is a design knowledge where it reduces the complexity of the education set, which will lower the amount of space, time, cost, capacity and heat etc.,. This processor is developed particularly for Arithmetic operations of two together fixed and floating point numbers, arm and logical functions. Pipelining would not flush when branch direction occurs as it is implemented utilizing dynamic arm prediction. This will increase flow in instruction passage and high effective depiction. In RTL coding individual can reduce the dynamic capacity by using clock people present at event technique. In this paper further implement unbiased double precision buoyant point arithmetic operations like adding, subtraction, multiplication and disconnection. The outcome principles of these operations stored in the registers and they can rescue from the same when needed. The reduced power RISC main part of computer with unbiased double accuracy floating point unit is planned without some complication, because the capacity reduction can do ahead end technique. The necessary rule is written in the fittings description language Verilog HDL and it is achieved on Altera MAXV CPLD device. This architecture has enhance indispensable and more important in many applications like signal handle, graphics and medical by utilizing floating point movements.

Author(s) Details:

J. Vijay Kumar,
Faculty of Physics, Sri Krishnadevaraya University College of Engineering & Technology, Anantapur-515 001, Andhra Pradesh, India.

B. Nagaraju,
S. K. University, Anantapur-515 001, Andhra Pradesh, India.

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