The dimensions of the transport system and the relationship between these dimensions and the socioeconomic system have multiplied over the last few decades. One of the main challenges facing many transport decision-makers in urban areas is the issue of traffic congestion. The problem affects the social, economic and growth facets of urban areas in several respects. The solution to this issue is therefore not straight forward. It takes a lot of effort, experience, time and costs that are not available at any point. Most of the current software for transport planning, especially the most advanced, needs staff with a lot of practical experience in transport planning and a high level of education and training. In this paper we propose a detailed structure for the Traffic Congestion Management System Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) that It uses state-of-the-art equilibrium modelling of the transport network and offers a GIS-based interaction environment that is simple to use. The developed IDSS reduces the reliability of transport planners, transport engineers, or any transportation decision makers' expertise and level of education. A prototype, derived from the framework mentioned in this paper, is under development. In terms of its usability, degree of ease and efficiency in providing optimum solutions/scenarios for transport and decision makers, the outcome of the experiments with the prototype will be published in upcoming papers.
Author (s) Details
Dr. Mohamad K. Hasan
Operations and Supply Chain Management, Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, College of Business Administration, Kuwait University, P.O.Box 5486, Safat, 13055, Kuwait.
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