The success of pollination determines the productivity of oil palm plants. The planting material, rainfall conditions, and the adequacy of the pollinating weevil, Elaeidobius kamerunicus, are some of the factors that affect (EK). Oil palms are monoecious, with different male and female flower inflorescences, flowering sequences and ripening phases that never overlap, and cross pollination is the only way to pollinate them. Planting material manufacturers create Dura X Pisifera hybrids with specific characteristics. The aim of this study was to see how planting material affected flowering characteristics and EK population. The descriptive approach was used to perform the research in Adolina (DxP Simalungun) and Dolok Ilir (DxP La Me) from January to October 2018. The number and character of male flowers as a source of pollen were affected by the character of oil palm planting content, according to the findings. The DxP Simalungun has a beneficial impact on the population of Elaedobius kamerunicus in planting material with a large number of male flower spikelets. The Hatch and Carry strategy, which can increase EK populations by 32-45 percent, can be used to increase EK populations.
Author (s) Details
M. Wahyuni
STIPER Agrobisnis Perkebunan, Medan, Indonesia
STIPER Agrobisnis Perkebunan, Medan, Indonesia.
Hilman Manurung
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Agrobisnis Perkebunan, Medan, Indonesia.
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