We argue that measurements in quantum mechanics, unlike classical physics, can provide concurrent information on all relevant relative amplitudes (pure states and transitions between them) and all relevant relative phases at the same time. Because measurement changes the state of the system, simultaneity is required (in both quantum and in classical physics). We call it holographic detection of the measurement process. It is defined mathematically by a set of self-adjoint mutually commuting operators which are similar and closely related to projections. Explicit examples are given The general features of the corresponding experimental setup that we define as the quantum reference frame are discussed and discussed. There is no reason to expect that an appropriate representation of the original object will not be given by the image obtained. It seems that now we are well prepared to formulate quantum mechanics' complex (relativistic) laws. That should eventually contribute to a deeper understanding of the geometry of the continuum of space-time.
Author (s) DetailsDaniel Sepunaru
RCQCE - Research Center for Quantum Communication, Holon Academic Institute of Technology, 52 Golomb St., Holon 58102, Israel.
Uzi Notev
IAI, Israel.
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