Thursday, 14 May 2020

BKL Method in the Bianchi IX Universe Model Revisited: Advanced Study | Chapter 7 |Theory and Applications of Physical Science Vol. 4

Given the extreme difficulty in finding analytical solutions to Einstein’s equations for universe models, such as the Bianchi type IX, different physical-mathematical techniques have been designed to attempt to find, at least approximate solutions that could have relevance in modern cosmology. Belinskii, Khalatnikov and Lifshitz (BKL) have developed a method to study a particular time evolution dynamic of the Bianchi type IX universe model. Herein, it is shown that this method contains pitfalls. These pitfalls, among other things, prevent the conclusion that this model provides chaotic behaviour. We show that the initial presumption made by BKL turns out to be inconsistent with the assumed initial conditions, since it cannot be kept along with the time-extended BKL process. That is, the Kasner stipulations corresponding to    , taken as initial conditions, are at odds with the initial assumption imposed on Einstein’s field equations.

Author (s)  Details

Leandro Meléndez Lugo
Departamento de Física, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, Centro Nuclear de México, 52750 Mexico D.F.

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