Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Research on Effectiveness of Vitamin C in the Treatment of Anemia in Patients with Chronic Diseases: A Case Study | Chapter 7 | Trends in Pharmaceutical Research and Development Vol.2

Vitamin C has been shown to be useful in the treatment of anemia of chronic diseases, but there is insufficient evidence to recommend it in the management of anemia in patient with chronic illness, with chronic kidney disease. We performed a small control study to probe if high dose intravenous vitamin C will raise the hemoglobin and improve the quality of life of patients with chronic diseases.
We screened six patients and the study was performed from September to December of 2015, but one quit prior to begin the study. Their age ranges from 37 to 95 years-old, and three are male and two female. Their mean hemoglobin went up from 8.6 g/dL to 9.7 g/dL after they received vitamin C 10 g IV weekly for 6 weeks. The CRP level had a 41.4% effective reduction and their performance status & quality of life as per the questionnaire improved. 
We demonstrated a clinical benefit of high dose intravenous vitamin C in anemia of chronic diseases even though a small study. We recommend to perform a randomized controlled study with larger sample in a future.

Author(s) Details

Raúl H. Morales-Borges

Integrative Optimal Health of Puerto Rico, New Alliance Integrative Research, San Juan, PR.

Krystal M. Rivera-Rodríguez
Specialized School of Science, Mathematics, and Technology (CIMATEC), Caguas, PR

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