This member proposes a novel and fast blueprint based on CP-ABE treasure from the respect of the user’s attribute revocation to manage faster. With the advances of cloud dossier centers and cloud service, many use scenarios are grown such as energy business, the Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET), Sensor network. VANET is the case of wireless multihop network, that has the constraint of fast the earth's features changes due to the extreme node flexibility. Two major issues are efficiency and secrecy. One of the fine access control signaling code technologies, CP-ABE, is commonly used in cloud depository for outsourced data to safeguard consumer privacy. Furthermore, apart from anonymity, computational cost is a key component that allows the use of CPABE in the circumstancesIn this scheme, we assemble an identical sapling T2 that has the same construction as the actual access control sapling T1. Upon receiving a request from the consumer for the encrypted text expected preserved on CSP, CSP attempts to decipher CT2, which is encrypted utilizing the subset of secret keys that pertain the user-given attribute indexes and is also continued on CSP based on the unchanging tree T2. CSP will please CT1 to the user if they are able to decipher it successfully, as this verifies their permission to access the cryptographic passage. In the event that CT1 is not shipped to the user, CSP accepts that the user does not have access to it. That is to say, we can decide if we license the right to access CT1 by determining if the secret key provided for one user can decipher CT2. Because CT1 and CT2 have the same approach control structure, they have the unchanging secret key for decryption; that is to say, when some attributes are cancelled, if the secret key cannot decrypt CT2, it cannot decipher CT1. While CSP can directly decipher CT2, but not CT1, CSP can judge if the user has access to CT1 later the attribute revocation by explanation of CT2. Moreover, we intend the construction design of CT1 and CT2. Finally, we explain that the scheme is secure and viable. Our blueprint realizes the attribute annulment and does not add excessive computation encumber on the system.
Author(s) Details:
Fang Zheng,
University of Finance and Economics, Taiyuan, China.
University of Technology, Taiyuan, China.
Zhidan Li,
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China.
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