Saturday, 11 July 2020

Evaluation of Wear Behaviour OFPLA & Abs Parts Fabricated by Operate FDM Technique with Distinct Orientations: Advanced Study | Chapter 10 | Emerging Trends in Engineering Research and Technology Vol. 6

Soft rapid tooling is one of the technology especially implemented to produce plastic components out of low melting point polymer by introducing it in to high melting polymer mould. By this technique parts or prototypes will be produced in less number for design verification, getting approval for actual production of product and as well as mould etc. Fused Deposition Modelling(FDM) is one of the additive manufacturing technology produced to parts in an additive manner. So far, several polymers like Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), polyamide, poly lactic acid (PLA) were used for parts production in this domain. During the course of process engineering polymers may undergo wear because of the processing conditions like pressurized material in let, temperature etc. Choosing correct polymer for such application is a very important aspect. In the paper a comparison between 3D printed poly lactic acid polymer specimens and Acrylonitrile Butadiene styrene specimens fabricated through FDM technique will be tested for evaluation of difference between its wear rate, frictional force and friction coefficient when printed with different printing orientations. 
Author (s) Details

C. Rajesh
Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMET University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

N. Venkata Niranjan Kumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Swetha Engineering College, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India.

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