Purpose: The aim of our study was to assess the clinical
effectiveness of topical adipose derived stem cell (ADSC) treatment in laser
induced corneal wounds in mice by comparing epithelial repair, inflammation and
histological analysis between treatment arms.
Methods: Corneal lesions were performed on both eyes of 40 mice by laser
induced photorefractive keratectomy. All eyes were treated with topical
azythromycin bid for 3 days. Mice were divided in three treatment groups (n =
20), which included: Control, stem cells and basic serum; which received
topical treatment 3 times daily for 5 consecutive days. Biomicroscope
assessments and digital imaging were performed by two masked graders at 30, 54,
78, 100 and 172 h to analyze extent of fluorescein positive epithelial defect,
corneal inflammation, etc. Immunohistochemical techniques were used in fixed
eyes to assess corneal repair markers Ki67, α Smooth Muscle Actin (α-SMA) and
E-Cadherin. Results: The fluorescein
positive corneal lesion areas were significantly smaller in the stem cells
group on days 1 (p < 0.05), 2 (p < 0.02) and 3. The stem cell treated
group had slightly better and faster re-epithelization than the serum treated
group in the initial phases. Comparative histological data showed signs of earlier
and better corneal repair in epithelium and stromal layers in stem cell treated
eyes, which showed more epithelial layers and enhanced wound healing
performance of Ki67, E-Cadherin and α-SMA.
Conclusions: Our study shows the potential clinical and histological
advantages in the topical ADSC treatment for corneal lesions in mice.
Author(s) Details
Author(s) Details
Marco Zeppieri
Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital of Udine, P.le S. Maria Della Misericordia, 15 33100 Udine, Italy.
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