Monday, 20 April 2020

Preservation of Cultural Heritage Reflected in the Musical Tradition | Chapter 9 | Perspectives of Arts and Social Studies Vol. 4

This paper refers to the musical tradition of the Turkish rural population in the Republic of North Macedonia with a focus on the western part of the country – Municipality Zhupa. The interest is driven from the knowledge of rich historical past of this area with several villages, and specifics of the settled population—Yuruk Turks. Changes in social structures, migration from villages to cities, development of the technology and the Internet, as well as changes oriented from traditional to contemporary social forms are factors that contribute to narrowing the traditional musical repertoire. However, this music is still one of the vital factors that continually sublimate events of the rich history of many centuries. This is confirmed by our field research started during 2013 and still continuing until nowadays by collecting, recording, and monitoring of certain secular events, in which music plays an important role. The performing ensemble depends on the occasion of the traditional rites, and it can be instrumental, vocal, or vocal-instrumental. The instrumental ensemble is still constituted of traditional instruments, davul, and zurna. The musical repertoire consists of local traditional and Rumelian songs (türkü and oyun havasi) from the wider region in which lyric thematic prevails.

Author(s) Details

Aida Islam
Faculty of Pedagogy “Sc Kliment Ohridski”, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius", Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia.

Stefanija Leshkova Zelenkovska
Music Academy, University “Goce Delcev”, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

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